Friday, April 25, 2014

Shamirah's Ramblings

The age of selfies.
7:00pm, is an hour that reminds me, rather nostalgicaly how I miss sitting on my mothers lap while the old man told tales and usually wound up with a wise saying.
I live and work in a generation quite facinated by electronic gadgets that are fast replacing human relationships along with their wisdom.
Selfies! One other activity that has taken the fancy of many when they take their own photo using a phone or such other handy devices.
Usually positioned to capture their best angle, so reveal such aspects of their beauty to whomever cares to see.
And so while I took my own first selfie, I was quite impressed with the outcome.
However as I use 's I wondered if this selfie business should be carried a notch further. What if in the camera of life namely the eyes of those we cared about, we positioned more than our looks?
What if we put our best actions foward especially in uplifting humanity?
Then and only then would it be truly fulfilling to take selfie 's so to speak